Hospital Operations Contact Information


Outside of staffed hours, laboratory staff is available on an on-call basis to perform emergent testing or respond to emergent situations.

General Inquiries

  •  or your current hospital operations team contact

Manager of Hospital Operations:

  • 800-661-9876 ext 3219 — toll free
  • 780-451-3702 ext 3219 — Edmonton area

On-site assistant managers — hospital laboratories:

  • 780-841-3265 — High Level and area, including Fort Vermilion and La Crete
  • 780-791-6160 — Fort McMurray


Accredititation certifications for our laboratories located in northern hospitals:

Hospital Collections and Tests

Anatomic Pathology Stat Requests:

Physicians requiring stat diagnosis must directly contact a pathologist to have the request pre-approved.

  1. Telephone 1-800-661-9876 or 780-452-3702 and ask to speak to the Anatomic Pathology (AP) pathologist on call.
  2. If approved, write stat on the requisition.
  3. Transport the tissue as soon as possible.

Pathologist will notify the Anatomic Pathology department when a stat request is approved.

Stat requests that have not been pre-approved will be reported as soon as possible.